Exciting News: Big Steps Forward
The time has come to officially announce some of the partnerships I’ve been working on. I’m really excited about these additions because I know it will help more people with food allergies. The website is becoming more accessible, growing and reaching further out into the big internet world.
First, this will help give exposure to our little Luxembourg. As many expats frequently come and go, finding information about food allergies and local resources will be more convenient especially for English speakers. Second, this will also help, even from our little corner of the world, to raise awareness for food allergies. Food allergies are becoming more common in Europe and any exposure and educational efforts are a huge step to finding resources and solutions.
The first 2 websites are specifically aimed at expats and organized by country. One is called Expat Exchange and the other is Expat Blog. When you select a country, there are options to look at all sorts of information related to that country including blogs. Under the blogs is where you will find the The Gluten Free Cupboard listed.
The other partnership is more specific within Luxembourg. I have joined a wonderful team of contributing writers and my first article was just published this week. The article is about gluten free “fast” food in (and around) the City. City Savvy Luxembourg is an online magazine devoted to all things Luxembourg and carries content on just about anything you can think of. It’s great for locals and visitors alike. This is a great resource to keep handy.
All of these website links, on the home page, are directly connected by their respective icons and when clicked on will go straight to their sites in case you should ever need or want to find it quickly.
Thank you friends for all the support, feedback and love you’ve given as I continue to develop and grow this project I’m so passionate about. You are all indeed amazing! I have more stuff in the works and look forward to sharing when the time is right. For now, keep checking back or make it easier to say in the loop by subscribing to updates located just under my picture.
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